California Real Estate and Insurance

Most bad news is not proportional given enough time to find proper coverage.

California Real Estate and Insurance

If there's an industry we pay close attention to besides our own, it's real estate.

Many say this is the hardest insurance market in over 30 years, but most bad news is not proportional given enough time to find proper coverage.

Initiate the insurance discussion early:

There are limited insurance options and longer underwriting times. Your clients may not be aware of the challenges, which can ultimately delay the closing process.

Questions to ask your clients:

  1. What insurance company do they use now, and can they provide a quote?
  2. What is the current underwriting time for the company they are working with?
  3. What company currently insures new home, and the surrounding neighborhood?
  4. Is this a primary or secondary home? Do they own any rental properties?
  5. Is the home they are buying high-value, with a $3M+ rebuild cost?

Get a list of carriers at Insurance Market Update, and we hope to see changes in the market by 2025.